Age: 27
Experience: 3 years
Specialization: Strength & Conditioning for Athletes
Age: 27
Experience: 3 years
Specialization: Strength & Conditioning for Athletes
D’Angelo Felida joined IMMARTIAL since the beginning in our new building. Just before he started at IMMARTIAL, he went to the States for a training camp and he used that experience too during his Strength & Conditioning sessions.
IMMARTIAL – Athlete Centre could be considered as his 2nd home, as you can find him at our S&C area either as a trainer or he is doing a workout himself. D’Angelo is a true sportsman, which is very obvious when he is guiding others.
Next to IMMARTIAL, D’Angelo is very active and here on the island he is also known as a Dancer, Singer and don’t let him fool you, but he is a very good basketball player too!
He is also very competitive, if you are too, come and join him for a burpee contest.
D’Angelo is always striving to get the best out of him and our Athletes. As a true sportsman he is always busy with either train others or training himself.
Basketball is his sports and therefore he knows how to work with Athletes in any kind of sports. His experience as a practitioner and workshops abroad makes him a very good and complete S&C coach.
Even though he might not be the tallest in the field, we are pretty sure we can say he can jump most likely the highest of them all. D’Angelo loves basketball and he is the one who remain on the field to practice some shots and jumps.
D’Angelo is also a known dancer here on the island. He played in video clips, he is active as background dancers at i.e. Tumba festival and many more.
So if you are tired of some S&C, just ask him if he can teach you some moves!
D’Angelo is able to put 30 hours in one day, because next to all the prior mentioned hobbies he recently starting a career as singer too. Recently he released his first single “Awe Nochi” and we may expect something new from him soon (Nov 2020).
Never a dull moment for D’Angelo nor for our Athletes during the morning Strength & Conditioning sessions!