IMMARTIAL Circuit Workout
One of the most dynamic full body workout there is. Every week different exercises using your own body weight and/ or light weights. The focus at IMMARTIAL Circuit workout will be cardio & strength.
We will use only own body weight and/ or light weights as a challenge. We make sure that you will continue each round and exceed yourself each training. Due to the (light) weights, each exercises can be done with explosiveness to give you strength and it will increase your stamina.
IMMARTIAL’s new equipment provides the best solutions for the best circuit training. Some advantages at IMMARTIAL’s Circuit workout:
- Injury free exercises
- Increase day-to-day performances
- Feeling stronger
- Feeling better
- Weight loss
And many more reasons to join this killer workout!
Founder Gideon Jonker has showed at a prior invented circuit program the popularity and that his style fulfill many athlete’s need. This class has a very low hurdle to start, but you will not easy quit, as there will be no other!